Tenant Information

Quick Guide to Sixtus Lodge

A Code for the Sixtus Lodge entry Exterior Digital Door Lock, along with the Wi-Fi password, will be sent to the Camp Organiser three (3) days prior to the camp.

Once inside, you’ll find a bunch of keys hanging on a hook in the doorway between the pantry and the kitchen. These keys unlock other areas of the facility including the drying room and mop shed. The Trust Board recommends that the bunch of keys be returned to the hook when doors have been unlocked or locked.

On arrival you will need to switch the power on at the meter box (above the barbecue at the southeast corner of the Main Lodge Building). Inside the meter box, turn ON the switch labelled ‘Main’. Switch OFF again on your final departure.

Please DO NOT touch the MASTER Switch, as this switch runs the Refrigerator and Deep Freeze, Emergency Lighting and the Wired-in Smoke Alarms at the Lodge. These items need to remain on, even when the Lodge is unoccupied, to keep emergency lighting and smoke alarm batteries charged. On our noticeboards, and in the Kitchen/Pantry, are other notices which will help you during your stay, along with emergency procedures and contacts, health and safety information and suggested camp activities.

It is very important that the Camp Organiser or a designated person completes the Building Compliance Daily Inspection, early evening on every night’s stay. Please initial the dates in the Red Recording Folder (found in the Pantry or Kitchen).

Toka Cottage: Tenants are welcome to use Toka Cottage. It sleeps four in comfortable rooms, and has its own kitchen and bathroom. You will find the keys inside the Main Lodge when you arrive. The power and hot water in Toka Cottage will need to be turned ON (small switch board on the wall opposite the cylinder) on arrival and OFF when you depart. Toka Cottage is ideal for adults supervising groups on camp. It is not suitable for unaccompanied children. Do ensure that Toka is cleaned, the windows latched shut, and the door locked when finally vacating.

Tenants’ Checklist

On departure, please complete our online Tenants’ Checklist to guide you through the cleaning / lock-up process and leave the Lodge in excellent condition for the next guests. You can review your stay, report any maintenance issues and make suggestions for improvements. We value your input.

What to Bring to Sixtus Lodge

Tenants will need to bring:
​​Food and drink including tea, coffee, milk. Sixtus Lodge is self-catering.
​​Tea towels, dishcloths, pot scrubs, scourers, dish brush. ​​
Cleaning products: dish detergent, disinfectant, liquid soap for ablutions, laundry detergent ,’Jiff’, spray ‘n wipe, oven cleaner.
​​Fly spray, bug repellent.
​​Paper towels.
​​Toilet paper.
​​All bedding and pillows, towels, hand towels, bathmats.
Our bunkroom mattresses are singles, with vinyl covers. Using fitted bottom sheets or fabric mattress protectors is recommended, even when using sleeping bags.
​​Rubbish bags / bins for recycling.
​​First aid supplies including hand sanitisers, face masks, sunscreen.
​​Gas bottle, if you want to use the Lodge’s barbecue. ​​
The above list is a guide only and tenants may need to add items depending on the circumstances of their camp.

What Sixtus Lodge provides

Fully-equipped kitchen including:
Full range of kitchen utensils – large and small pots and stockpots, pans, sieves, trays, potato peelers, can openers, ladles, serving spoons and forks, beaters, graters, rolling pins, scissors, large and small knives, chopping boards. ​​
Continuous hot water unit & electric kettle. ​​
Toasters. ​​
Large refrigerator. ​​
Medium deep freeze. ​​
​​Toaster ovens (2) ​​
Electric Frypans(3) ​​
Gas Barbecue (BYO gas bottle) ​​
Bunk beds (singles) with vinyl mattresses (Main Lodge) ​​
Four single beds with standard mattresses & covers (Toka) ​​
Washing Machines (2) ​​
Cleaing equipment – Vacuum Cleaners, Mops, Brooms and Buckets ​​
Woodfire with firewood. ​​


Sixtus Lodge Trust Board is pleased to provide FREE WiFi for tenants. Use of the WiFi is subject to our WiFi Terms and Conditions. The WiFi password is sent to you, with the door access code, just prior to your visit. Please share this password with your other guests at your discretion. The password is NOT displayed at the Lodge. ​​